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- Info-ParaNet Newsletters Volume I Number 374
- Friday, March 8th 1991
- Today's Topics:
- Nazis from the Pleaides
- Coverup?
- Limits on federal employee free-lance writing
- Re: Paranet Newsletter 372
- SS433
- Resonant Coil Implications?
- Coverup?
- Re: Phenomenon Framed Again!
- Re: (NONE)
- Statements of acceptable proof
- Re: File disclaimers
- Re: Old writers
- Philadelphia meteor 4/5/91
- ufo sighting in nh?
- A SETI Update
- Solar Flare Alert
- Haaton Stuff, Etc.
- Re: Paranet Newsletter 372
- Spherical UFOs
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Moderator's Note: Please remember to alias 'paramod@scicom.alphacdc.com' to
- the submissions address: 'infopara@scicom.alphacdc.com' Thank you.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: John.Burke@f9.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG (John Burke)
- Subject: Nazis from the Pleaides
- Date: 7 Mar 91 07:56:00 GMT
- Korac:
- Thanks for your report which gives us a better idea of the true nature
- and purpose of America West Publications. No wonder they were "censored"
- (i.e. "no TV station or newspaper would accept their ads")!
- These people seem to think they can "hook" people by
- appealing to the kind of paranoia which is being spewed about by
- people like Bill Cooper. They then build upon that foundation by
- adding a new layer of paranoia which concerns the BS about "World
- Zionist Conspiracies" etc. Haven't these idiots ever considered
- the possibility that there might be someone out there who is a
- Cooperphiliac but who also belongs to the JDL?
- About a year ago there was some speculation here about
- who could be responsible for the infection of contemporary
- American ufology with all of this paranoia about government
- conspiracies against the people. A couple of informed ParaNeters
- postulated: "Neo-Nazi cults". It is now apparent that even if such
- organizations are not the initiators of this concensual paranoia,
- they certainly are trying to exploit it.
- Thanx again for the revealing information!
- -- John
- --
- John Burke - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: John.Burke@f9.n1012.z9.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Steve.Rose@f134.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Steve Rose)
- Subject: Coverup?
- Date: 5 Mar 91 04:54:00 GMT
- JH> Doubtful. I suspect you'd find that ABC broke into programming at
- JH> the same time (GMT or UTC) but it was only in the East that the
- JH> Secrets show was on.
- Wouldn't that mean West Coast viewers got to see the footage in question since
- they are three hours behind and the show is delayed for them, as with all other
- network entertainment shows?
- --
- Steve Rose - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Steve.Rose@f134.n109.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: stl-06sima.army.mil!wmartin
- Subject: Limits on federal employee free-lance writing
- Date: 7 Mar 91 15:22:11 GMT
- From: Will Martin <wmartin@stl-06sima.army.mil>
- Reference the previous discussion under 'Just Cause' and other subjects:
- HR 325, which has been approved by the House Judiciary Committee, repeals
- the provisions of the recently-enacted 'ethics' legislation which apply
- to federal employees in grades GS-15 (or equivalent pay) and below and
- banned outside income from free-lance writing and speaking, in areas
- unrelated to their jobs. Other legislation has been introduced in both the
- house and senate to similar effect applying to military officers.
- (GS-15, by the way, is a salary/grade level for civil service that would
- be considered 'upper management' outside Washington DC. Our Deputy
- Directors, sort of top-level VPs, are 15s. Ordinary non-managerial
- technical positions usually top out at the 13 level. Real people, like
- me, are lower -- I'm an 11. :-)
- The Federal Times article I gleaned this from implied that rapid passage
- of some form of this legislation is likely.
- Regards, Will
- wmartin@stl-06sima.army.mil
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: ncar!rutgers!presto.ig.com!stuczyns
- Subject: Re: Paranet Newsletter 372
- Date: 7 Mar 91 17:22:03 GMT
- From: Martin Stuczynski <stuczyns@presto.ig.com>
- I want to reply to a couple of Greg's comments in the latest issue.
- 1=) He does'nt seem to believe the allied forces captured many thousands of
- Iraqi troops! If you were bombed by 'daisy cutter' and other unfathomable
- agents of destruction for five round-the-clock weeks you might not find this
- so unbelievable!
- As to the Apollo astronauts vs. space shuttle astronauts and their
- respective states of physical fitness wehn returning to earth. Do you know
- anything about the U.S. space hardware?? The apollo capsules were relative
- sardine cans compared to the shuttle and the apollo astronauts had no space
- or provisions for carrying out any meaningful physical fitness regimes as do
- the space shuttle astronauts. To imply that the space shuttles are'nt being
- flown in space is ludicrous.
- --Marty S.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
- Subject: SS433
- Date: 8 Mar 91 04:11:00 GMT
- Jim,
- I have noticed your postings in other echoes about SS433. What is it and what
- significance does it have to UFO research?
- Thanks for your reply.
- Mike
- --
- Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: vm1.yorku.ca!YSCS1296
- Subject: Resonant Coil Implications?
- Date: 8 Mar 91 06:20:51 GMT
- From: User <YSCS1296@vm1.yorku.ca>
- I am not well-versed in physics higher than high-school levels. Can
- someone tell me exactly what can happen within the distorted space-time
- that this Resonant Coil produces? What are the implications? I suppose
- this ISN'T an anti-gravity device? Is it a pathway to ... folding space?
- -
- Of course, it would help if someone(s) actually built it, and reported
- on it.
- -
- What about the anti-gravity device mentioned in the KRILL (eek) docs?
- Any substance to that claim?
- -
- And finally, a friend told me that the URE that was filmed (Unidentified
- Running Entity) from the window (as mentioned several newsletters ago,
- along with the claim that the Stealth was from UFO parts - the 10
- strangest stories of 1990) was broadcast on one of the tabloids (H.C.,
- A.C.A., I.E., or U.M.) and he said it didn't look like any familiar
- animal or even an Earth-like animal. Anyone else saw this broadcast?
- -
- And how come nobody is commenting on the Unsolved Mysteries broadcast
- of the Kecksberg incident? Did EVERYONE miss it except me?
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Hicks)
- Subject: Coverup?
- Date: 6 Mar 91 07:38:01 GMT
- > Wouldn't that mean West Coast viewers got to see the footage in
- > question since they are three hours behind and the show is
- > delayed for them, as with all other network entertainment shows?
- I've heard from a few who did see the show without interruption. I
- gather we didn't really miss anything.
- jbh
- --
- John Hicks - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Hicks)
- Subject: Re: Phenomenon Framed Again!
- Date: 6 Mar 91 07:38:02 GMT
- > both of us reading so many, neither of us will have any idea
- > what the other is talking about!
- You'll have to tune in more often. ;-)
- jbh
- --
- John Hicks - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: John.Hicks@f29.n363.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Pete Porro)
- Date: 6 Mar 91 16:29:49 GMT
- Yes the light floating in the sky was not investigated at all. A flare
- hanging from a balloon would have worked fine. There are so many ways to
- produce the light in the sky it's silly. I don't remember any comments about
- the speed, duration, or anything factual about the GB light that was shown on
- ABC TV that night. Sensational usless information.
- Anyone have any information?
- --
- Pete Porro - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Pete Porro)
- Subject: Re: (NONE)
- Date: 6 Mar 91 16:46:19 GMT
- Greg, Maybe you can get someone to scan those newsletters, and the Paranet
- nodes can put them online for people to reads from the files areas throughout
- the world. That way you would not have to type forever, and distribution
- would be accomplished outside the message base.
- I don't find anything unusual about the space shuttle landing vs the
- capsules. Remember they were crammed into those things (have you seen one in
- person?) and in the shuttle it's a bit more roomy. The current crews can at
- least move around, while the Apollo guys could hardly wiggle their toes. (or
- am I confused on the first missions with capsules?)
- For anyone who cares, if you are near Orlando it's worth the ride to NASA
- one day to see the space center. It's not only free (your tax dollars at
- work) but it's really good. First time I was there, I thought OK we'll drop
- in at 1pm look around and hit the road for some sight-seeing. When they
- closed we were the last two people out the gates... loved it.
- Thinking about space travel, and UFO's, and sizes of things makes more sense
- once I stood next to some of those monsters that were necessary to launch one
- of those tiny capsules. Make me wonder if there are UFO's that they must have
- a very compact and efficient propulsion system.
- --
- Pete Porro - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Pete.Porro@f414.n154.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: John.Tender@f112.n129.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Tender)
- Subject: Statements of acceptable proof
- Date: 4 Mar 91 00:28:50 GMT
- >> RM> Fourth, any skeptic worth his doubts _will_ be able to tell what
- >> RM> evidence would suffice to convince him on a given factual claim.
- >> RM> Klass, Sheaffer, and Oberg _can and have_ said what would
- >> RM> convince them. So, they may be wrong, but they're not
- >> RM> dogmatists.
- >>
- >> Have they made definitive statements, and if so where are these
- >> available?
- RM> Good question. Yes, but I'm not sure where these can be found.
- RM> Klass can be reached at 404 "N" Street, Washington, DC 20024,
- RM> and Sheaffer is at 1875 Fallbrook Ave., San Jose, CA 95130.
- RM> If you're curious, write to them, and I'm sure they'll be able
- RM> to fill you in with a reference or two. I don't have an
- RM> address for James Oberg, but you may be able to reach him care
- RM> of Houston NASA.
- Oh. I thought that since _you_ made the claim that Klass, Sheaffer
- and Oberg _actually had made_ definitive statements, that you also had
- some _evidence or ready information_ on which to base that claim. Sorry,
- _my mistake_. (I will, however, bear this in mind in evaluating your
- other claims.)
- I will indeed try to contact the three above individuals.
- ... from the purlieus of Pittsburgh
- --
- John Tender - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: John.Tender@f112.n129.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: John.Tender@f112.n129.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Tender)
- Subject: Re: File disclaimers
- Date: 4 Mar 91 00:41:00 GMT
- >> RM> or of the author's reputation. I don't think I've seen the
- >> RM> particular files you mention (waiting for a disk or two from
- >> RM> Mike), but even if they're _really bad_, they can -- at a
- >> RM> minimum -- be valuable as an example of their kind.
- >>
- >> I'm wondering what you mean by "of their kind" ?
- RM> RM> Wonder no longer. Read 'em and find out.
- Maybe I wasn't sufficiently clear. I asked what _you_ meant by "of
- their kind", information which, at least according to my way of
- thinking, cannot be found in the original source material.
- >> Since you are, quite understandably, sensitive about being lumped
- >> in with some other "skeptics", shouldn't we be careful here too?
- RM> No, we should not. My statement was a plea against deleting
- RM> the files of a writer on UFOlogy, even though just about
- RM> everyone considers them to carry no credibility whatsoever. Do
- RM> you have a problem with that, John? I most assuredly do not.
- The problem I have is precisely what I said it was: that care
- should be taken in making sweeping statements about a group of files
- being "of a kind". Whatever the main thrust of you message was, I
- commented on a rather specific statement you made. This does not mean I
- disagreed with anything else in the post, and I am at a loss for any
- reasonable explanation for you to force such an interpretation on what
- I said.
- >> RM> Picks would be those the sysop considers less improbable
- >> RM> (modify this according to your degree of skepticism :-) ).
- >>
- >> Any sysop utilizing such a policy should also recognize a
- >> responsibility to post a sufficiently clear description of the
- >> criteria employed in making the selection.
- RM> I fully disagree. Sysops have no obligation to justify or
- RM> explain their placement of download files on their own systems.
- RM> If I were moved to post such an explanation, it would be as
- RM> follows: "Because I damned well felt like it." That should
- RM> more than cover it.
- I suppose that this depends on what the sysop decides to be his
- "obligation". If one's desire is to present a rational, objective, and
- comprehensive overview of a subject, then it is imperative that
- rational, objective, and comprehensive criteria for data presented be
- made available. If, on the other hand, one chooses to ignore this
- obligation and run the risk (or at least arouse the suspicion) of
- presenting half-truths, faulty lines of reasoning, and
- conclusions-by-decree, then "because I damned well felt like it" will
- indeed suffice.
- ... from the purlieus of Pittsburgh
- --
- John Tender - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: John.Tender@f112.n129.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: John.Tender@f112.n129.z1.FIDONET.ORG (John Tender)
- Subject: Re: Old writers
- Date: 4 Mar 91 00:44:50 GMT
- >> "When two elderly, popular authors talk to each other for any
- >> length of time, the result is invariably a bunch of useless aphorisms"
- RM> How about: "You can lead an echo reader to enlightenment, but
- RM> you cannot make him think"?
- Sounds OK. I might disagree on the reasoning leading up to the
- valid application of the statement for any specific individual. I can
- assure you it wouldn't be "because I damned well felt like it".
- (On second thought, it doesn't sound OK. I don't think you can lead
- anyone to enlightenment without making him or her think!)
- ... from the purlieus of Pittsburgh
- --
- John Tender - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: John.Tender@f112.n129.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Paul.Faeder@p0.f0.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG (Paul Faeder)
- Subject: Philadelphia meteor 4/5/91
- Date: 8 Mar 91 06:01:02 GMT
- In an article of <6 Mar 91 17:46:57 GMT>, Paul Carr <CARR@astro.dnet.ge.com> writes:
- >I heard on the news this morning that a large colorful fireball went
- >right over Philadelphia last night. They didn't give a specific time.
- >Someone in the control tower at PHL called it 'The Mother of all
- >Meteors.'
- In my local paper, Robert Gribble, director of the National UFO Reporting
- Center, said his investigators questioned a pilot flying over Maryland at the
- time of the incident. The pilot said that he saw the meteor *change direction.*
- Hmmm....
- The following article is about a similar incident a bit over a year ago:
- Pocono Record Jan. 29, 1990
- "We are quite confident it was not a manmade
- object re-entering. We have no idea what it was."
- -Major Dick Adam NORAD PR officer.
- WASHINGTON (AP) - Thousands of people in the Eastern United States
- reported seeing a strange bluish-green light in the sky Saturday
- night which some experts said could have been an unusually large
- meteorite.
- "We are quite confident it was not a manmade object re-entering,"
- said Maj. Dick Adam, public affairs officer for the North American
- Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) in Colorado Springs, Colorado. "We
- have no idea what it was."
- Robert Gribble of the National UFO reporting Center in Seattle, a
- private group, reported receiving dozens of calls.
- "Based on descriptions that have been given, I'd say we're dealing
- with a very large solid, a very large meteor," said Gribble.
- "Description run from a blue-green to a bright gereen coming down
- in an angular descent leaving a short tail behind it," said Gribble.
- He said everyone who had telephoned the center described the object,
- "as coming down and hitting the ground in their area, which is very
- common in something like this."
- Among the people who reported seeing the object was David Arnold,
- an area air traffic control supervisor at Dulles Airport, where the
- sighting occurred at 7:10 pm EST.
- "We don't know exactly what it was, a meteor or a satellite," said
- Arnold, who has been an air traffic controller for 25 years. "It
- lasted 25 to 30 seconds and went from brilliant white to an orange as
- it broke up.
- "We've seen things like this before, but much higher. This was
- quite brilliant. It appeared to have dissipated completely."
- However, not all witnesses saw the object change color and appear to
- disappear.
- A television reporter in Oak Hill, W. Va,. one of the places where
- there was a flurry of initial sightings was at the home of one of the
- first witnesses nearly three hours after the initial sighting and
- reported the light was still hovering in the sky.
- Kitty Harrison, assignment editor for WOAY-TV in Oak Hill, W.Va.,
- said what she saw was "absolutely not" a meteorite.
- "I've seen meteorites before and this doesn't resemble the type of
- meteorite I've seen," she told The Associated Press in a telephone
- interview from the home of Elizabeth Gray and her son, Chris, in
- Stanford, West Va.
- "What we are seeing is a very bright bluish white object that appears
- to be moving downward toward the horizon in an erratic spiraling
- motion," Harrison told the AP. "It is very slow. You have to keep your
- eye fixed to something stationary in order to see it's progress."
- Chris Gray, 13, was carrying firewood to the house when he saw the
- object.
- "I saw the sky light up for the meteorite and then about half an
- hour later I saw what I'll call a UFO, and then when the television
- called me back they told me to tape it on my cam corder and while we
- were taping it was changing colors and it started seperating and going
- back together again," said Chris Gray.
- Among the witnesses in the Washington area was Andrew Guthrie, a
- news editor at the Voice of America since 1983.
- "It was a dramatic thing to see," said Guthrie. "I almost drove off
- the road." He said the object appeared to be "three-or-four times
- treetop level" and about the size of a grapefruit with an
- "incandescent bright light at the center like a magnesium flare."
- An AP reporter walking along Pennsylvania Avenue in the Foggy Bottom
- section of Washington recalled thinking initially that it was some
- type manmade firework similar to flares shot in the sky on the Fourth
- of July because it was very bright and distinct, appeared to be moving
- across the sky at about the same speed typical of such displays,
- seemed to have a tail and appeared to be low enough to have been shot
- from the balcony of one of the multistory apartment buildings in the
- area.
- However, the light remained on a flat trajectory, moving rapidly
- across the sky without fading.
- Sightings were reported from an area ranging from West Virginia and,
- along the Eastern Seaboard, from Virgina to New York.
- --
- Paul Faeder - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Paul.Faeder@p0.f0.n1010.z9.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Steve.Paquin@f113.n132.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Steve Paquin)
- Subject: ufo sighting in nh?
- Date: 8 Mar 91 02:46:00 GMT
- Hello...i'm wondering if anyone out there has any info on the "ufo"
- sightings that took place on wedsday morning between 2-330 in the
- morning? All I heard was that the Concord state police plus other
- police depts heard from numerous people reporting colored lights in
- the sky...some said red, some green..and they shot around in the
- sky.. this is all i've heard I only caught the tail end of a radio
- broadcast and looked for a mention in the union leader, and the
- nashua telegraph...this happened(3-6-91) and reportings were
- sigthed from as far away as brookline....to concord with numerous
- cities in that area(southern merrimack Valley?)
- I haven't heard anything of
- it since the radio broadcast.....was it a hoax or was what I heard
- for real?
- any info would b great
- thanx in advance
- steve paquin
- --
- Steve Paquin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Steve.Paquin@f113.n132.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: ParaNet.Information.Service@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (sm)
- Subject: A SETI Update
- Date: 8 Mar 91 07:18:00 GMT
- This file was provided by ParaNet(sm) Information Service
- and its network of international affiliates.
- You may freely distribute this file as long as this header
- remains intact.
- Contributed by: ParaNet Information Service
- ============================================================
- For further information on ParaNet(sm), contact:
- Michael Corbin
- ParaNet Information Service
- P.O. Box 928
- Wheatridge, CO 80034-0928
- or
- Netmail 1:104/422
- ============================================================
- The following article appeared in Volume X, Number 5 of the
- Planetary Report, a publication by the Planetary Society. It is
- (C) 1990 by the Planetary Society. All rights reserved.
- Reprinted on ParaNet without permission.
- We have published it here for the sheer amusement of our members.
- Remember how we have long been chastised by the outside world -
- particularly the scientific community - for pursuing the UFO
- enigma? Well, it appears that the payback has come home to
- roost. Congress is now chastising the scientific community for
- its pursuit of extraterrestrial intelligence. As long as Bush
- seems to be in the spending mood for such things as SETI, perhaps
- we should back the Planetary Society in the Search for
- Congressional Intelligence. Maybe a reminder, much like that of
- the 1952 overflight of the White House by UFOs, is what is needed
- to get Congress thinking where it needs to be. Enjoy!
- The NASA Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence program is
- designed only to "listen" for radio signals that another
- civilization might be broadcasting to other advanced
- civilizations. It is not a program that actively attempts to
- contact other possible life forms. In his fiscal year 1991
- budget, President Bush had asked $12 million for NASA'S SETI
- program. The House Committee on Appropriations cut that to $6.1
- million. When the committee's proposal reached the floor of the
- House, Representative Ronald K. Machtley [D-RI] introduced an
- amendment to eliminate SETI Funding from the federal budget. We
- excerpt here portions of the discussion on the House floor.
- Silvio Conte (R-MA): "We don't need to spend $6 million this year
- to find evidence of these rascally creatures. We only need 75
- cents to buy a tabloid at the local supermarket. Conclusive
- evidence of these crafty critters can be found at checkout
- counters from coast to coast. [Mr. Conte then entered into the
- Congressional Record five articles on UFOs from tabloid
- publications.] If we continue to fund this dog (NASA's SETI
- program]-a Golden Fleece award winner in 1978-then we should
- seriously consider funding an even more ambitious program SCI:
- Search for Congressional Intelligence."
- Ronald K. Machtley (D-RI): "We cannot spend money on curiosity
- today when we have a deficit. I might suggest that, in fact, if
- there is such a superintelligence [sic] form of life out there,
- might it be easier just to listen and let them call us?"
- Bob Traxler (D-MI): "The logic of the distinguished gentleman
- from Massachusetts [Mr. Conte] and the maker of the amendment
- [Mr. Machtley] is irrefutable."
- --
- ParaNet(sm) Information Service - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: ParaNet(sm).Information.Service@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Michael Corbin)
- Subject: Solar Flare Alert
- Date: 8 Mar 91 08:14:00 GMT
- * Forwarded from "Space Echo"
- * Originally from Bev Freed
- * Originally dated 03-05-91 22:37
- MARCH 05, 1991
- Flare Event Summary
- Potential Impact Forecast
- --------
- A very significant amount of major solar flaring has occurred over the
- past 24 hours from a region just emerging around the eastern limb. This
- region is still very near the east limb, hence no detail in spot activity
- can be discerned. However, four large major flares have occurred over the
- past 6 to 18 hours from the region coming into view.
- The first major flare peaked at an X-ray intensity of X7. This very
- strong X-class flare was optically uncorrelated. It was associated with a
- strong Type II sweep frequency event. The estimated shock speed of the
- Type II was 600 kilometers per second. It was located near approximately
- S23E90 (or slightly beyond the east limb).
- The second major flare began at 23:59 UT on 4 March, peaked at a class
- M6.7/2B rating at 00:09 UT on 5 March, and ended at 00:28 UT on 5 March.
- The location of this flare was S21E88. No sweeps were observed.
- The third major flare began at 03:02 UT on 5 March, peaked at 03:12 UT
- and ended at 03:43 UT on 5 March. This flare was a powerful class X1.5/3N
- (the largest area attained by a flare in well over a year). Loops were
- observed on the limb with this flare. It was located at S19E89. No sweeps
- were observed although a coronal mass ejection is likely from this event.
- The last major flare so far began at 04:58 UT, peaked at 05:06 UT and
- ended at 05:45 UT on 05 March. This flare reached a powerful class M9.3
- x-ray level, but was optically uncorrelated. It was associated with a
- strong 720 s.f.u. Tenflare and a 990 s.f.u. burst at 245 MHz. No sweeps
- were recorded from this event, although a coronal mass ejection (CME) is
- likely from this event.
- The region(s) responsible for this recent barrage of major flaring is
- still not in view well enough to determine the spot and magnetic
- complexity. However, it is very clear that some very high magnetic
- gradients exist in the region now rotating into view. Hints of the activity
- were noticed two days ago when M-class x-ray activity was being observed
- without any optical counterparts. It is now evident that this M-class
- flare activity was most likely the result of the region now rotating into
- view. No significant activity was anticipated. This region is a surprise.
- The major flaring which has occurred over the past 24 hours will not
- have any terrestrial impacts aside from possible moderate to high intensity
- SID's/SWF's and greater probabilities for VHF SID-induced signal
- enhancements.
- PLEASE NOTE!! If the region(s) responsible for this major flaring
- continues to produce major flares over the coming week, potentially high
- terrestrial impacts could occur. Persons, organizations, and/or researchers
- who might be affected by the major flaring should take note of this and pay
- close attention for future major flare alerts and possible terrestrial
- impacts (ie. magnetic storming) later this week. It is possible that this
- region could quite literally blow itself out before it begins to enter the
- area capable of producing terrestrial impacts. More will be known in the
- next 24 to 48 hours as the region(s) present themselves for closer
- examination.
- Major flaring WILL CONTINUE over the next 24 hours at least. There is
- not much of a threat at the present time for proton activity from the
- flaring regions although it is quite probable that they are throwing out
- protons. The flaring regions are still too far east to produce any
- significant proton activity. This will change as the regions travel toward
- the central solar meridian. Proton activity could become a factor anytime
- from about 08 or 09 March until the region(s) responsible rotate beyond the
- west limb by about 18 or 19 March (a preliminary estimate). The flare
- centers should begin crossing the central meridian by about 12 March.
- Alerts and updates will be posted on a daily basis over the next
- week or so unless the activity becomes less active. The solar flux will
- increase to near or above 250 by 18:00 UT on 05 March.
- Watch for further flare alerts and possible terrestrial impact
- warnings.
- ** End of Alert **
- MARCH 05, 1991
- Alert #2
- Flare Event Summary
- Potential Impact Forecast
- --------
- Two more major X-class flares have erupted in the last 12 hours. This
- makes a total of six major energetic flares in about the last 24 hours.
- Solar activity is VERY HIGH!
- A powerful class X2.0/3B flare exploded from Region 6438 at a location
- of S21E86 at 09:14 UT on 05 March. The flare began at 09:37 UT, peaked at
- 09:14 UT and ended at 10:16 UT. No sweeps were observed from this event.
- A major flare erupted off the southeast limb from Region 6537 at a
- location of S09E69 at 17:21 UT on 05 March. This flare was rated a class
- X1.4/2N flare. It began at 17:15 UT, peaked at 17:21 UT and ended at 17:32
- UT. No sweeps were observed from this flare.
- Region 6438 is the largest and most complex region rotating into view
- around the eastern limb. This region is still too close to the limb to
- discern any significant detail. However, the frequency and power of the
- recent flare activity is indicative of very high magnetic gradients and
- complexity. This region is expected to continue to produce major flares
- and many X-class level flares over the next week.
- Region 6437 was somewhat of a surprise. It is optically small and
- seemingly simple. However, it somehow managed to spawn a class X1.4/2N
- major flare at 17:21 UT. This event (and most of the others) was
- associated with an intense short-duration SID/SWF. Blackout conditions on
- the HF bands occurred as high as 15 MHz.
- Major flaring will continue for at least the next two to three days,
- and possibly throughout the coming week. High intensity SID's/SWF's will
- occur in synchronism with these events. SID durations could exceed 30 to
- 45 minutes in some of the more powerful events. VHF SID-induced signal
- enhancements are likely, with possible DX conditions for VHFers during
- periods of SID activity. Frequent SIDs are expected over the coming week.
- There is not expected to be any terrestrial impacts (ie. proton,
- geomagnetic, etc.) from these recent flares. They are still too far east.
- Proton activity could increase (if flaring continues) within approximately
- the next 4 to 8 days. High probabilities for proton and PCA activity will
- occur as Region 6438 crosses into the western hemisphere near 12/13 March,
- provided major flaring continues for that long.
- Major Flare Alerts and/or updates will continue to be posted on a
- daily basis throughout the coming week, or until activity diminishes.
- ** End of Alert **
- --
- Michael Corbin - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Michael.Corbin@f4.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
- Subject: Haaton Stuff, Etc.
- Date: 8 Mar 91 04:59:00 GMT
- >
- > Well, I was too amused to be scared, so I ordered the
- > catalog. I hope I don't get on the 'New Age Junk Mail List'
- Well, Korac, you can HOPE you don't, but I think you will.
- It's just my opinion, but when it comes to stuff like this, I think
- "there's one born every minute."
- One New Age Junk Mail List victim, that is.
- If you want to read about other dimensions, try The Search for
- Schroedinger's Cat.
- Best,
- Clark
- --
- Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
- Subject: Re: Paranet Newsletter 372
- Date: 8 Mar 91 05:30:00 GMT
- > Regarding the magnetic anomalies present on the ground after
- > UFO
- > sitings,
- Hi Mike.
- Tell me, what magnetic anomalies are you writing of? I'm aware of a
- few, but they always were found in ferrous rocks, etc., in the
- vicinity.
- I'm not saying that magnetic traces aren't possible, just that such
- traces are unheard of.
- Best,
- Clark
- --
- Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- From: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (Clark Matthews)
- Subject: Spherical UFOs
- Date: 8 Mar 91 05:47:00 GMT
- > Were there any sitings of spherical UFOS during last Feruary
- > (1990) over
- > the NE states or Quebec?
- >
- To Mike Clarke
- Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS
- Mike, funny you should mention it, but a large, spherical UFO was
- sighted repeatedly for over 2 hrs. going east from New York City on
- 3/5-6/91.
- Best,
- Clark
- --
- Clark Matthews - via FidoNet node 1:104/422
- UUCP: !scicom!paranet!User_Name
- INTERNET: Clark.Matthews@paranet.FIDONET.ORG
- ********To have your comments in the next issue, send electronic mail to********
- 'infopara' at the following address:
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- DOMAIN infopara@scicom.alphacdc.com
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- ******************The**End**of**Info-ParaNet**Newsletter************************